Table of contents

eJOY eXtension helps you learn languages ​​more effectively while watching movies and videos on Netflix, Youtube, Coursera, etc...

List of supported video sites

EJOY eXtension has more than 20+ keyboard shortcuts designed for learning languages with movies and videos on sites that are supported by GlotDojo.

List of commonly used shortcuts

[Q]/Space: Play / Pause

[A]: Return to the previous subtitle sentence

[S]: Repeat subtitles

[D]: Skip to the next subtitle sentence

[⬅️]: Rewind 10 seconds

[➡️]: Go forward 10 seconds

[1]: 0.1x speed up

[2]: 0.1x slow down

[P]: Automatically pause after every subtitle sentence

[K]: Read subtitle

[F]: View in full screen

[M]: Mute

Other subtitle shortcuts

[Alt] + [A]: Highlight/unhighlight the subtitle sentence

[Alt] + [C]: Copy the subtitle sentence

[Alt] + [T]: Always translate subtitles

[>.]: Look up words starting from the left side of the subtitle

[<,]: Look up words starting from the right side of the subtitle

[Alt] + [9]: enable / disable Blur mode for main subtitle

[Alt] + [8]: enable / disable Blur mode for second subtitle

[W]: Quickly view the main subtitles (After blurring)

[T]: Quickly view the second subtitles (After blurring)

[N]: Quickly view the both main and secondary subtitles (After blurring)