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Thanks for purchasing our Premium Add-on! It's almost ready to use. The next step is to download the advanced dictionary available for your add-on.

Download dictionaries to use Premium Add-on

Step 1: Click GlotDojo icon => Open Setting => Dictionaries

How to download dictionaries from the Settings page of GlotDojo eXtension

Step 2: Select the language section for the dictionary you have purchased. If you bought Premium Chinese Add-on, select Chinese.

Step 3: Click the download icon to download Chinese - English or Japanese - English dictionary first. These dictionaries are required.

Step 4: Download advanced Chinese or Japanese dictionary in other languages.

Look up words in Advanced dictionaries

Chinese and Japanese are languages of compound words. You can use GlotDojo to detect these compound words. There are 2 ways to do this:

Method 1  

Press and hold the middle mouse (the red button in the image below) and hover to the position of the word.

Press-hold middle mouse and hover to detect words

Method 2

Press and hold the Shift key (the red button in the image below) and hover to the position of the word.

If GlotDojo detect a compound word, its meaning would be displayed in the Dictionary section of the pop-up as below: