Table of contents

What are games?

You can review your saved words with games. There are 2 types of games: Classic Training and Speed Training games. Your word level is only calculated when you play Classic Training games.

How to access games?

You can access review games in 2 ways:

  • Go to Home => your currently reviewed wordbook => Dial icon.

     Then, choose a game you want to play.

  • Go to My Wordbook => click the Action icon on the right of a wordbook => choose “Play with….”.

How is Spaced Repetition used in GlotDojo?

Spaced Repetition works simply by asking you to memorize a card with time intervals increasing each time you see it. For a weak word, you may see it again very soon. For a word with strong presence in your mind, it will be repeated in your practice session after 2 weeks, then 4 weeks and 2 months, or just at the time when the algorithm assumes that you’re about to forget.

In GlotDojo, there are 3 Classic games that track your progress and schedule your practice with Spaced Repetitions: Flash Cards, Writing, Hanzi Writing.

Go to Flash Cards/Writing/Hanzi Writing => Settings => Spaced Repetition => Review Interval to change your review interval. This is the minimum time interval between two reviews, equivalent to Level 1. This means all of the words that are weakest (at level 1) will reappear in your future practice session after this time.

This time interval will be multiplied at each higher level. After changing Review Interval, you can press Press here to see how your custom interval changes with levels.

What are Classic Training games?

Classic games are Spaced Repetition-based games, including Flashcard, Writing and Hanzi Writing.

In Anki Flashcards, a term will be shown, and you need to answer how well you remember it by pressing one of 4 feedback buttons in the bottom - Poor, Hard, Good, Superb.

In Writing, you will be required to write the answer.

In Hanzi Writing, you will be required to answer by drawing Chinese characters in correct order  onto the screen. You will be guided when writing the first answer. After 3 failed attempts to write a stroke, the guide will appear again.

Classic Game Settings

There are specific settings that are applied for Classic Games only. To access these Classic Game settings, go to on the Anki Flashcards/Writing/Hanzi Writing game => Settings.

Lesson Size: Number of cards you want to review per review session.

Feedback buttons: Decide how many feedback buttons you want to use. For example, with 4 buttons, they will be Poor, Fair, Good and Superb

Autoplay audio: Automatically play audio after showing answers

Review Style: Choose how you prefer to review cards.

  • Forward: Show the term, answer with the definition
  • Reversed: Show the definition, answer with the term
  • Half-and-half: Review both sides. At the lower half levels of 0-4, you will see the forward size. At 5-9, you will see the reverse.

Review priority: Decide your preferred type of cards to review.

  • Due term first: Review due terms first
  • New terms first: Review new terms first
  • No priority: Due and new terms will be reviewed equally

Minimum Review Interval: The minimum time interval between two reviews, equivalent to Level 1.

What are Speed Training games?

Speed Training games are non-Spaced-Repetition-based games with a time limit. These games include: Multiple Choice, Reflex, Matching, Rearrange and Atom.

Multiple Choice: In this game, choose your correct answer out of 4 given options.

Reflex: In this game, you’re given a term and its definition. Choose Yes if the definition is correct, choose No if it’s not.

Matching: In this game, move all the terms to their correct meaning.

Rearrange: As its name implies, you rearrange the components of a phrase/compound words or in the case of single words, choose the correct word after listening to the audio.

Atom: In this game, arrange characters in clockwise order on one round, and move irrelevant characters to another round. The number inside the rounds is the number of tries you have left.

What is Review Interval? Can I control it?

In three Classic games, you can choose Settings. Under Spaced Repetition, you can choose Review Interval. This is the minimum time interval between two reviews, equivalent to Level 1. This means all of the words that are weakest (at level 1) will reappear in your future practice session after this time.

This time interval will be multiplied at each higher level. After changing Review Interval, you can press Press here to see how your custom interval changes with levels.