Look up on videos

Learn how to use GlotDojo on online movies and videos.

How to look up words with Premium Chinese/Japanese Add-on?

To look up with Premium Chinese/Japanese Add-on, make sure you have downloaded its advanced dictionaries. 2 methods to look up words with the Premium Add-on Chinese and Japanese are languages of compound words. You can use GlotDojo to detect these compound words. There are 2 ways to do this:

  Updated at  Oct 20, 2020
Lists of supported video streaming websites

GlotDojo features for videos like dual subtitles, Blur, Rewind, or scanning with shortcut keys are fully supported on some popular video streaming platforms. Fully supported video sites Netflix.com Youtube.com Udemy.com Coursera.org Futurelearn.com Ted.com WeTV.vip Iq.com Primevideo.com Khanacademy.org You can also

  Updated at  Oct 20, 2020
Display pronunciation on top of video subtitles with Pronunciation

eJOY support phonetics display for subtitles in English (IPA). How to show phonetics on video subtitles Step 1: Click the eJOY icon (1) >> Select Upper Subtitle (2) to display the main subtitle (3) >> Select English (4). Step 2: In Phonetic (5), select Show phonetic (6) and choose Phonetic to display

  Updated at  Oct 20, 2020
List of shortcut keys for videos

GlotDojo eXtension helps you learn languages more effectively while watching movies and videos on Netflix, Youtube, WeTV, Coursera, etc... List of supported video sites GlotDojo eXtension has more than 20+ keyboard shortcuts designed for learning languages with movies and videos on sites that are supported by GlotDojo. List of commonly

  Updated at  Oct 20, 2020

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