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GlotDojo support phonetics display for subtitles in English (IPA), Chinese (Pinyin) and Japanese (Hiragana/Romaji). For Chinese and Japanese, you need to purchase Premium Add-on to enable their corresponding phonetics.
(Disclaimer: GlotDojo only support some popular video streaming platforms at the moment and doesn't guarantee that our features work perfectly on other sites.)
To see the list of video sites fully supported by GlotDojo, check it out here.
How to show phonetics on video subtitles
Step 1: Click the GlotDojo icon (1) >> Select Upper Subtitle (2) to display the main subtitle (3) >> Select English, Chinese or Japanese language (4).
(Note: phonetics only work if the UPPER subtitles are in English, Chinese or Japanese.)
Step 2: In Phonetic (5), select Show phonetic (6) to display phonetics for English, Chinese or Japanese.
You can also choose:
(7) Font size: Select the font size of phonetics.
(8) Format: Select a display format.
Step 3: Preview the phonetics
Check out the preview right under Preview Sub.
The phonetics you've just enabled will appear above the Upper subtitles.