Table of contents
Display Laguage
Choose the language on your app interface. GlotDojo App is currently available in English and Vietnamese.
Offline Data
Click Download Continue to import all your learning data (including cards and progress) for the current learning language. After download is completed, you can use GlotDojo to learn that language without Internet.
In Wordstore, you can choose to show definition in your language and/or English, show phonetic transcription and/or image.
Game Settings
In Game Settings you can change Game mode*, turn on/off Speak game* and Sound effect.
*the Game mode and Speak game is at the moment unavailable.
Language Management
In Language Management, you can see languages that are currently learned (Active), archived (Archived) or removed (Deleted).
To edit a language, click the three-dot icon on the left of each language title.
Click Use this set to set a language as a default language set, Edit to edit the set, archive to save this language for later access, or delete to permanently remove the language.
GlotDojo App will automatically sync across devices when you open the app. But any changes you make afterwards elsewhere (e.g: on GlotDojo extension), like adding words, will not be synced. To save these changes, you will need to trigger sync.
How to sync from GlotDojo extension
On GlotDojo extension, make sure you go to Account => "Sync" after adding words or making some changes. Then, in GlotDojo app, go to Synchronizer => Trigger sync to start syncing from GlotDojo extension.
Auto Archive
This feature is for when you want to automatically archive cardcs that you believe you have mastered. To turn on Auto Archive, click On button.
All cards that reach a certain level of your choice will automatically be archived. Choose the level in When Anki Flashcard level is at or above and When writing level is at or above. The default level for both is Level 10 (the highest available available).
Sync with Google Sheets*
You can export your cards to a Google Sheets file and add/edit/delete cards from there. Any changes you make on your Google Sheets file can be synced to your app.
This feature is at the moment under development. We will update this Help section as soon as the feature is available.